Wisconsin-based water company donates to frontline workers
Written By Mia Johnson
A Wisconsin-based water company is traveling across the state to donate boxes of water bottles to those on the frontlines of the COVID-19 fight.
"We're just out using the opportunity to give back to our community and our first responders who do a lot to keep the community safe," Northern Chill National Sales Manager Morgan Burdette said.
Northern Chill has donated more than 50,000 units of bottled water during the pandemic.
"Giving back is a great opportunity to see a person with a smile on their face," Burdette said.
Northern Chill is a water company based out of Polar, Wisconsin outside of Antigo.
That's why Burdette said it was only right for the company to give back to people in the state.
"This is a Wisconsin thing," said Burdette. "We've been able to donate to several communities."
Donations have gone to first responders, health care workers and even local schools for their daily lunch program.
Our officers are off in their cars everyday," Green Bay Police Andrew Smith said. "This will be great for us because we'll give officers a bottle of water as they go out into the field and it'll keep them hydrated and keep them healthy and able to go out and do their jobs."
Chief Smith said the community's support during this time has been amazing.
"We had so much outpouring of well wishes, prayers, snacks and water," Smith said. "It's been really terrific. It really makes our officers feel appreciated."
And Burdette said Northern Chill will continue donating water until it isn't needed anymore.